SASC: The Leopard Catshark (Poroderma pantherinum)
Amanda Elizabeth reading the spaghetti tag number of a leopard catshark at the South African Shark Conservancy before its release into Walker Bay, Western Cape, South Africa.
The next focal species of my time with the South African Shark Conservancy – and much of their research - is the leopard catshark (Poroderma pantherinum). These beautiful catsharks are also endemic to southern Africa and have been found as far east as Madagascar. Unlike the pyjama catshark, the leopards have a long barbel protruding from each nasal flap, which usually reach its mouth and are a distinguishing feature of this species.
Deriving their name from the highly variable leopard-like pattern of spots and lines they have adorning their skin, these sharks are alluring to say the least. Interestingly there are three different colour morphs within the species which vary in density of the spot pattern, with the panterinium variation (pictured above) being the most common, and the marleyi and salt and pepper morphs being rarer.
You can find these beauties in temperate inshore habitats like rocky reefs and kelp forests where they are often lurking around at depths of 20 metres - despite this, leopard catsharks have been recorded at depths of 256 metres in the Western Indian Ocean. Whilst they are lethargic during the day, at nighttime these nocturnal predators become more active and hunt for their prey items of choice – small bony fish, crustaceans, octopuses and even, bristle worms.
They reach a maximum size of approximately 84cm in length, with males reaching sexual maturity at around 54cm and females reaching sexual maturity at lengths of 58-61cm. Like all catsharks, the leopard catshark reproduces via oviparous reproduction with the females laying two eggcases – also colloquially known as ‘mermaids purses’ - together each time.
Here I am releasing a leopard catshark into Walker Bay outside the South African Shark Conservancy.
In terms of threats to these sharks, leopard catsharks are not commercially fished; however, they are commonly caught as bycatch by bottom trawlers and are a target of recreational boat and shore fishers. Let’s not forget either the looming risk of climate change and the vulnerability of fragile marine ecosystems, like the magical kelp forests these leopard catsharks call home, in the face of a changing environment. While the leopard catshark is currently listed as being data deficient on the IUCN Red List, its last assessment took place in 2004 so its status is in need of re-evaluating.
Not dissimilar from the pyjama shark, there is still a lot for us to learn about these majestic mesopelagic predators. The work being done by the South African Shark Conservancy and other scientists working on this species throughout southern Africa is therefore invaluable to their sustainable management and conservation.
In a world where our focus is so often on charismatic megafauna like great white sharks and whale sharks - and believe me I am guilty of this too - there is no time like the present to shift our attention to the smaller species of the shark world, which are no less important than their giant cousins.